SBA's 3rd “Economy and Management” Forum Convenes on June 14th

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-06-18viewed:11

On June 14th, the third undergraduate economic management forum of SBA, Economy and Management, was held in the Simultaneous Interpretation Conference Center of Wenhuan Building on the Nanhu Campus, where students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Central University of Finance and Economics, Northeastern University of Economics and Law and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) and other colleges and universities gathered together.

Prof. Liu Renshan, Vice President of ZUEL, Prof. Dai Xin, Vice Dean of School of Management, HUST, Prof Zeng. Jingjing, School of Public Administration, ZUEL, Ge Ming, Vice Minister of Student Work Department, Yang Shaotong, Deputy Secretary of ZUEL, Liu Zhenghua, Vice Minister of Academic Affairs, Yu Xiaopeng, Secretary of SBA, Prof. Hu Chuan, Vice Dean, Prof. Shi Junwei, and Zhu Yanping, Vice Dean of SBA were present. The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Wu Haitao, Dean of SBA.

Prof. Liu Renshan, Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of ZUEL, delivered a speech, in which he congratulated the success of the Third Undergraduate Economic Management Forum of SBA. Yu Xiaopeng, Secretary of SBA, and other winners of the Business Negotiation Competition and the Outstanding Completion Achievements of the Law and Business Research and Practice Program in the 10th Academic and Cultural Festival of SBA were presented with awards.

In the morning, Prof. Dai Xin, Vice Dean of School of Management, HUST, gave a presentation titled How to Tell Chinese Food Stories on International Social Media - A Big Data Analysis of Food Journey Narrative Strategies under the Perspective of National Cultural Marketing. Prof. Zeng Jingjing from School of Public Administration, ZUEL, made a presentation titled Research Methodology: How to Design and Publish an Academic Paper. Prof. Hu Chuan, Vice Dean of SBA, gave a presentation titled How to Do Valuable Research?

In the afternoon, three sub-forums were held in the wisdom classroom of Wenhuan Building. Sub-forum 1 was themed Corporate Responsibility Management and Green Development, and Ms. Qin Xiaodi from the Department of Agricultural Economy Management of SBA moderated this sub-forum. Sub-forum 2 was themed on High Quality Economic Development and Sustainable Development and was moderated by Associate Professor Feng Jiaojiao of the Department of Human Resource Management. Sub-forum 3 is themed Chinese Modernization and Frontier Issues of Economic Management, and is moderated by Associate Professor Yu Sheng from the Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management.

After a day of seminars and exchanges, the closing ceremony of the 3rd Undergraduate Economic Management Forum was held in the Simultaneous Interpretation Conference Center of Wenhuan Building. Zhu Yanping, Vice Dean of SBA, presided over the closing ceremony.