Dean Wu Haitao Invited to Attend the 2023 National MBA Deans’ Exchange Conference and Visit Alumni Enterprises in Chongqing

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-05-15viewed:10

On May 12th, 2023 National MBA Deans’ Exchange Conference was successfully held in Chongqing. This conference is jointly organized by China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee and The Chinese Society of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, and hosted by the School of Business Administration of Chongqing Technology and Business University. Dean Wu Haitao and Associate Professor Du Peng, Academic Director of MBA Center were invited to attend the exchange meeting. More than 60 MBA education executives from more than 30 MBA training schools attended the conference. 

Li Guojun, Vice President of Chongqing Technology and Business University delivered a speech at the meeting, and Wang Xuhui, Vice president of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, delivered a keynote speech on “New Trends and new Challenges of MBA education in financial institutions in the New Era”. Su Jingqin, former Director of the Department of Management and Economics of Dalian University of Technology delivered a keynote speech on “Cultivating Professional degree Talents of Business with Rooted Practice -- Model and Construction”. Zhang Xinmin, former Vice President of University of International Business and Economics delivered a keynote speech on “MBA Education in Finance and Economics Universities: Construction and Development”.

In the afternoon of the same day, Dean Wu Haitao and Director Du Peng paid a visit to Yang Youming, President of Chongqing Alumni Association (alumnus of Trade Economics Department, Grade 85), Huang Changbing, Secretary-General and Vice President (alumnus of Political Economy major, grade 86), and Feng Jianping, Vice President (alumnus of International Economy and Trade major, grade 97). They also visited Haiping Intellectual Industry Organization, which was founded by Yang Youming. 

Dean Wu Haitao praised the accomplishments of the Chongqing Alumni Association and provided an overview of the School of Business Administration's development. Subsequentlythe two sides engaged in in-depth discussions regarding the establishment of industry-university-research bases, support for the Alma mater and the college's development, and empowering alumni to contribute to the local economic development.