Three SBA Projects Were Approved for the 2023 Provincial New Think Tank Project

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-04-12viewed:10

Recently, the Office of the Leading Group for Philosophy and Social Sciences of Hubei Province released the announcement of the proposed projects for the Key Projects of Provincial Social Science Fund and the Annual Projects of Provincial New Think Tank in 2023, in which the ZUEL ranked first among universities in Hubei Province with 7 projects approved as Provincial New Think Tank Projects in 2023. Three faculties from the SBA, Professor Hu Chuan, Associate Professor Xi Yanle and Associate Professor Liu Kai, gained approval for their projects, which were respectively the research on water resource utilization and pollution control industry in Hubei province, the research on cultivation and reserve of world-class industries and clusters in Hubei province and benchmark CPTPP and DEPA rules, and steadily promoted institutional open research.


In recent years, the faculty of the SBA have actively focused on implementing the major development strategies of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the outstanding achievements of think tank formed have increased year by year, highlighting the disciplinary advantages of the SBA and playing a positive role in serving the economic development of Wuhan and even Hubei province. Multiple achievements have been approved by central and provincial leaders or adopted and applied by relevant departments.