President Yang Canming and Leaders of Wuhan Women’s Federation Attended the Business Startups and Innovations Lecture for Female College Students

publisher:陈珂release time:2023-04-03viewed:10

(Correspondent: Liu Zhenxing Photographer: Du Peng; Publicity Department of Party Committee) In the afternoon of March 30, the first Encouragement Event of Wuhan Female College Students’ Employment and Entrepreneurship and the Business Startups and Innovations Lecture for Female College Students of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law are held in Wenquan Building. Representatives of Wuhan Women’s Federation (WWF), Wuhan Talent Service Center (WTSC), outstanding female entrepreneurs, and students staying in Wuhan for employment and business mentors gave exciting speeches on business startups and innovations policies, related experience, and business project counseling to nearly 400 students.

President Wei Jing, Secretary of the Party Members Group of WWF, Chen Yun, Minister of Development Department of WWF, President Cao Hong and Vice President Li Suwen of Wuhan Womens Cadre School (WWCS), Xie Dandan from WTSC and some representatives of female entrepreneurs attended the event. Professor Yang Canming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of ZUEL, Yu Xiaopeng, Minister of the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee, Wen Xi, Director of the Career Guidance and Service Center, Huang Xiaomei, Secretary of Youth League Committee of ZUEL, Wu Yan, Vice President of Labor Union and Deputy Director of the Womens Committee, Wang Hualu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the SBA, and Wu Haitao, Dean of the SBA also attended the event which was chaired by Li Fang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the SBA.

President Yang Canming delivered a speech. He fully affirmed the importance of  business startups and innovations education in the talent cultivation under the innovation-driven development strategy, and spoke highly of the achievements in recent years in fostering outstanding females. He pointed out that under the new education reform and evaluation, the SBA took the lead in focusing on the research of female leadership and college students career development education, established the Research Center for Female Leadership and Student Career Development and the Female Leadership Quality Improvement Training Camp for students, and promoted the highly distinctive academic research and talent cultivation to a new stage. He hoped that WWF and ZUEL will grasp the opportunity to carry out more extensive, deeper, more sustainable and more effective exchanges and cooperation, so as to create a big stage for female students to work and start their own business.

President Wei Jing pointed out that WWF launched four major plans to promote womens employment and entrepreneurship, implemented the settlement plan for female college students to help them improve employment and entrepreneurship quality.

Xie Dandan introduced the policies related to college students staying in Wuhan in detail.

President Yang and President Wei jointly conferred flags and put on the camper cards for the representatives of the new session of Female Leadership Quality Improvement Training Camp.

Liu Yeqing, a representative of female entrepreneurs and the founder and general manager of Huolike Electric Company, shared her business experience in Wuhan.

Dong Ling, Deputy General Manager of Smart Factory of Shenglong Electric Company, shared her business journey as a representative of female college students, born in 1990s, who stayed in Wuhan. She said, After ten years, I have became a mother from a fresh graduate and a deputy general manager from a designer. My personal growth and changes reflect not only the development of the enterprise, but also the growth of women in the new era.

Tan Wei, the co-founder of Motou Capital Company, financial self media manager (Motoutan) and entrepreneurial advisor of national industrial park, provided detailed project counseling to the students with specific cases and his own experience.


What difficulties did you encounter in the process of starting your own business? What kind of policies attract you to stay and work in Wuhan after graduation? How to find suitable entrepreneurial projects for inexperienced college students? In the process of communication, students actively asked questions, and the guests answered patiently one by one.

The event is co-sponsored by WWF and ZUEL, and organized by the SBA of ZUEL, Research Center for Female Leadership and Student Career Development, WWCS (Wuhan Womens Entrepreneurship Center) and WTSC, receiving wide attention from China Youth Daily, Yangtze River Daily and other media.