时间提前:An Overview of Experimental Design


题目:An Overview of Experimental Design(实验设计概述)





An experiment is a research technique where variation in data is examined, usually under the full control of

the experimenter. The experimenter is often interested in
the effect of some intervention (usually referred to

as the "treatment") on the experimental “units.”  In the social and management sciences, these experimental

units are usually people. An experiment is a very powerful technique for exploring causal relationships.

However, it can be very easy to make basic errors that negate the value of the technique, so careful attention

needs to be paid to their design.

This three-hour workshop will cover the concept of variability in data, and explore the options available in

the design of experiments, including basic designs, factorial designs, block designs, and repeated measures

designs. Specific statistical techniques developed for the analysis of experimental data will also be

introduced and explained.

The workshop will be presented in English. Handouts will be provided.

Dr Kevin Voges is an Associate Professor in Marketing in the Department of Management, Marketing and

Entrepreneurship, and the Associate Dean International for the College of Business and Law at the University of

Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He was formerly Head of the Department of Management. At the University

of Canterbury he teaches market research and quantitative research methods in undergraduate and postgraduate


Dr Voges has consulting experience in education, organizational development, business planning, and market and

social research. He has taught research methods courses in psychology, education, business, and marketing in

Australia and New Zealand for the past thirty-five years.

His research interests include the application of concepts and techniques from computational intelligence, to

marketing theory and practice specifically, and to business generally. He has also conducted a number of

experimental studies in advertising and sport sponsorship. He has published in psychology, sport marketing,

consumer behavior, and computational intelligence. He has co-edited a book Business Applications and

Computational Intelligence published by the Idea Group, and has published in the Journal of Marketing

Communications, the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, and the Journal

of Advertising.